Friday, 23 August 2013

Getting Started with PowerShell 3.0 on MVA

 I have just completed the 'Getting Started with PowerShell 3.0' Jump Start course on the Microsoft Virtual Academy.
These are the recordings of the live event from 18th July 2013 presented by Jeffrey Snover, the inventor of PowerShell, and Jason Helmick, Senior Technologist at Concentrated Technology.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Microsoft Licensing Fundamentals on MVA

I have just taken the Microsoft Licensing Fundamentals course on Microsoft Virtual Academy, and after watching the 30 min training video I'm starting to understand the Licensing suites and how they enable transitioning from On-Premise to Cloud based solutions.

If anyone is interested in Microsoft Licensing 101 (Level 100) take a look at this online course which can count as credit towards you becoming your companies Microsoft Licensing Expert.

Microsoft Licensing Fundamentals on MVA